Monday, September 14, 2009

So, here it is...the Wheat Crop Man's blog...

Hello to the two people that may ever read this. I will tell you now, this will be full of poor punctuation, sentence structure, and other various poor grammatical what-not. This will also have absolutely nothing to do with wheat, crops, wheat crops, or farming of any kind. Although there will surely be an occasional Star Wars reference to "moisture farming". But that is about it.

Yes, this is called the Wheat Crop Man and I am he. No, as I've previously stated, this has nothing to do with farming. The title is an inside joke between my friend Scooter and I, from probably close to 25 years ago. I stated in an email to him the other day "I may start a blog with that name." And here it is. I'll give you fair warning that this will probably be the most boring, mundane thing you have possibly read, but if you do, thanks for reading.

I have no preconceived notions about what this will turn out to be. I am guessing it will be about movies, video games, women I think are hot, stupid people that irritate me, shit that happens at work, links to things that make me laugh, religion, whatever. I'm sure it will also be a place for me to vent my frustrations into the abyss that is the internet. If anyone does read this, and feels like responding...thanks.

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