Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I have to have a title for ALL of these!?!

So, here it is, another day at Wheat Crop Headquarters, my wife bought me a copy of the new Dan Brown book THE LOST SYMBOL. Now, I am a sucker for conspiracy theories, and I'm sure this book will prove to be a great read. But, I know that it is going to be made into yet another shitty movie with Tom Hanks. Terrific actor, knew not to go full retard. But THE DaVINCI CODE movie and it's sequel ANGELS AND DEMONS, both sucked gigantic balls. It's not a debate. It is fact. Balls. Gigantic. Sucked.

I heard that the President called Kanye West a Jackass for what he did to that hot Taylor Swift chick at the VMA's. And yes here we go, a rant about MTV. First off, where the fuck do they get off calling themselves MTV anymore? The channel has absolutely nothing to do with music anymore. All it manages to do is breed celebu-whores, and completely talentless douche nozzles. Same with Disney...fuckin Jonas Brothers... Give me Kurt Loder, Adam Curry, the giant kiss-ass Matt Pinfield, fuck, give me Riki Rachtman even. I want my old MTV back!! All of the horseshit television that is on today we can DIRECTLY pin on MTV. It all started with The Real World. I don't give a shit how different types of people get along in a house. BFD, unless you are going to have gratuitous nudity, it's not really worth my time. Some day, I will touch back on the topic of nudity, something I have been a fan of for many, MANY years.

So, that's really it. Once again, nothing earth shattering or profound to say, just screaming into the void. Maybe someone will listen.

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