Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Seeing as how tomorrow is Thanksgiving and all...

So, for the two people that may ever read this...Happy Thanksgiving. Someday, I will write about what a horse shit person my sister is, and I still plan on writing about the physical perfection that is Natalie Portman, but tonight, it's what I am thankful for.

I am thankful for my life. 'Tis a simple one, very (very) non-frickin-what's-the-word...? UN complicated. That is it. Uncomplicated. I go to a job that I enjoy enough to have stayed there for 15 years, I am fucking Yoda at what I do, there are few as good as I, and those that are, are a hell of a lot older. I live in a simple apartment, I drive a simple car, have no real problems to speak of, life is more or less wonderful.

I am thankful for my wife. As big a pain in the ass as she may be sometimes, (and she is) as stubborn as she is (and she totally fucking is), she loves me for what I am. Better or worse (I tend to think it's mostly worse), but she loves me. There are few women in the world who can deal with having a 34 year old child as a husband. She does it with flying colors.

I am thankful for the life of my dearest friend Della. She came close to losing it (and me) this year. I thought so long and hard about what I was going to say to her. I was upset, and God Damn it, I was going to tell her. The opportunity never arose, I saw her tonight, and was so happy to see her, that everything I was going to tell her 6 months ago, didn't matter at all.

I am thankful for music. Whether you are rocking out, cleaning, drinking, sleeping, making the bed, making dinner, making sweet, sweet love, driving, writing, brushing your teeth, working, whatever, music usually makes it better. Saturday night, I got the opportunity to see one of my favorite albums of all time, performed live in it's entirety. DOOLITTLE, by the Pixies. To say it was anything short of brilliant, would be an understatement.

I am thankful that whatever being created this universe gave me patience. I have to use it daily, either dealing with the fucking halfwits that I put up with on a day to day basis, putting up with my wife's stubborn side (which is a LOT larger than her not stubborn side). The nearly unending well of patience I have been given has helped me more than I can express.

I am thankful for Star Wars. Period.

I am thankful for the internet. Be it for porn, communication, music, whatever, I am grateful.

I am thankful for you, non existant reader...



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